Seminar for SDG14 "Life below Water"
What's New!
Deep Dive Into the Journey of Women in Ocean Science
CREPSUM is endosed by IMBeR (Integrated Marine Biosphere Research)
New Paper on Eutrophication and Hypoxia in the Gulf of Thailand
New paper on hydrozoan jellyfish from Vietnam
On line training course was hosted by IMER, Vietnam
List of publications from Fish subgroup
Two new species of Plakobranchidae (Gastropoda, Sacoglossa) from the Gulf of Thailand
Field guide mollusks of Panay, Philippines
Field guide of jellyfish is coming soon
Publication on bacterial biodiversity in the southeast Andaman Sea
New paper on toxic dinoflagellates and their toxin from coastal waters of Japan and Vietnam
New book is released! "Reef and Shore Fishes of Bidong Island off east coast of Malay Peninsula"
New paper on hypoxic water mass in Jakarta Bay
Particulate Plastics Distribution and Ecotoxicity in Marine Ecosystems and a Case Study in Thailand
Two new species of soft coral Chironephthya from the Gulf of Thailand
Paper from HABs group, with description of new species Karlodinium azanzae.
New publication: Complete mitochondrial genome of a sea star Linckia laevigata